No. 43/M-DAG/PER/9/2009




In view of:


To stipulate:



Article 1

In this Ministerial Regulation:


Article 2

Alcoholic drinks are classified into the following classes:

Article 3

(1) The Minister shall set the types or products of alcoholic drinks of class A, class B and class C that can be imported and sold in the domestic market.

(2) The types or products of alcoholic drinks as described in paragraph (1) are contained in Attachments I and II to this Ministerial Regulation.

Article 4

The circulation and sales of the alcoholic drinks of class B and class C as described in Article 3 originating from domestic production and import shall be declared as goods under surveillance.


Part One

Article 5

The types of alcoholic drinks of class A, class B and class C as described in Article 3 can be procured from domestic production or import.

Article 6

(1) Companies importing alcoholic drinks of class A, class B and/or class C as described in Article 3 shall obtain IT-MB status from the Minister.

(2) To obtain IT-MB status as described in paragraph (1), the companies shall file written applications to the Minister through the Dirjen Daglu, complete with the following documents:

(3) The Minister shall issue IT-MB status no later than 5 (five) working days after the applications as described in parawaph (2) have been received in a complete and correct manner.

(4) Based on certain considerations, the Minister can appoint a state owned company (BUMN) and/or regional government owned company (BUMD), by the government as IT-MB whose sales is subject to duty (duty paid).

(5) The certain considerations as described in paragraph (4) can be in the form of:

Article 7

(1) Stipulation as IT-MB as described in Article 6 paragraph (3) is valid for 3 (three) years and can be extended.

(2) Companies holding IT-MB can apply in writing to Dirjen Daglu for the extension of IT-MB status as described in paragraph (1).

(3) The application as described in paragraph (2) shall be complete with the original document of expired IT-MB status.

Article 8

(1) The allocation of the types and quantities of alcoholic drinks that can be imported to meet consumption needs shall be set based on the pattern of distribution in the fulfillment of consumption needs for alcoholic drinks whose sales is subject to duty (duty paid) and is not subject to duty (duty not paid).

(2) The consumption needs for alcoholic drinks whose sales is not subject to duty (duty not paid) as described in paragraph (1) shall be imported by BUMN appointed by the Minister.

(3) The Minister shall every year set the allocation of types and quantities of alcoholic drinks to meet national needs by considering:

(4) The import allocation of alcoholic drinks as described in paragraph (3) for each IT-MB shall be set on a pro rata basis from the quantities and types of alcoholic drinks to be imported and the allocation shall be set proportionally.

(5) The import allocation of alcoholic drinks as described in paragraph (4) for IT-MB shall be granted by the Minister in the form of import approval per year.

(6) To obtain import approvals as described in paragraph (5) IT-MB shall file an application complete with a photocopy of IT-MB to the Minister no later than 15 (fifteen) days before the current year.

(7) IT-MB that have secured the allocation as described in paragraph (5) shall conduct import themselves.

Article 9

(1) IT-MB can only import alcoholic drinks to the Indonesian customs area through:

(2) The import of alcoholic drinks to a free trade zone and free port shall be done only to meet consumption needs in the zone concerned.

(3) The Import of alcoholic drinks as described in paragraph (2) shall be done in accordance with the law on free trade zone and free port.

Article 10

The Minister can delegate the authority to grant IT-MB status as described in Article 6 paragraph (3), set the allocation of types and quantities of alcoholic drinks as described in Article 8 paragraph (3), and issue import approvals as described in Article 8 paragraph (5) to Dirjen Daglu.

Part Two
Circulation and Sales

Article 11

(1) In circulating alcoholic drinks of class B and/or class C, producers or IT-MB can appoint distributors, sub-distributors, direct sellers, or retailers based a written agreement.

(2) In addition to appointing distributors, sub-distributors, direct sellers or retailers as described in paragraph (1), IT-MB can also appoint TBB as retailers.

(3) The distributors as described in paragraph (1) can only receive a maximum of 5 (five) appointments from a producer or IT-MB or the combination of the two.

(4) The distributors as described in paragraph (1) shall:

(5) Distributors can only circulate alcoholic drinks of class B and/or class C from the producer and/or IT-MB appointing them.

(6) In circulating alcoholic drinks of class B and/or class C the distributors as described in paragraph (1) can appoint sub-distributors, direct sellers or retailers based on a written agreement.

Article 12

(1) The sub-distributors as described in Article 11 paragraph (1) can only receive a maximum of 5 (five) appointments from a producer or IT-MB or distributor or the combination of the three.

(2) The sub-distributors as described in paragraph (1) shall:

(3) Sub-distributors can only circulate alcoholic drinks of class B and/or class C from the appointing producer or IT-MB or distributor as described in paragraph (1).

(4) The sub-distributors as described in paragraph (1) can only circulate alcoholic drinks of class Band/or class C to direct sellers and/or retailers appointed under a written agreement.

Article 13

(1) Direct sellers and/or retailers can only receive a maximum of 5 (five) appointments from a producer or IT-MB or distributor or sub-distributor or the combination of the four.

(2) Direct sellers and/or retailers can only circulate alcoholic drinks of class B and/or class C from the appointing producer or IT-MB or distributor or sub-distributor as described in paragraph (1).

Article 14

(1) Direct sellers shall only be allowed to sell alcoholic drinks of class A, class B and/or class C for drinking directly in designated places.

(2) The designated places as described in paragraph (1) are:

(3) Alcoholic drinks of class B and/or class C sold in designated places as described in paragraph (2) a. can be taken to drink at hotel rooms on condition each package contains a maximum of 187 ml (one hundred and eighty seven mililiters).

(4) In regions that do not have designated places as described in paragraph (2), regents/mayors, after considering the activities of foreign tourists in their areas, can declare other designated places for direct sellers to sell alcoholic drinks of class B and/or class C in the capitals of the regencies/municipalities or other locations based on this Ministerial Regulation.

Article 15

(1) Retailers can only be allowed to sell alcoholic drinks of class A, class B and/or class C by retail in packages in designated place.

(2) The sales of alcoholic drinks as described in paragraph (1) is done by TBB as retailers.

Article 16

(1) TBB as retailers can only circulate alcoholic drinks of class B and/or class C from the appointing IT-MB.

(2) TBB located in customs zones are only allowed to sell alcoholic drinks of class B and/or class C by retail to:

(3) TBB located in cities are only allowed to sell alcoholic drinks of class B and/or class C by retail to:

(4) The sales of alcoholic drinks by retail as described in paragraph (2) shall be for own consumption with passport evidence and boarding pass in accordance with the law.

(5) The sales of alcoholic drinks by retail as described in paragraph (3) shall be for own consumption with passport evidence and/or identity card in accordance with the law.

Article 17

(1) Regents/Mayors and the Governor of DKI Jakarta can declare other designated places than TBB as described in Article 15 paragraph (2) for retailers selling alcoholic drinks of class B and/or class C in packages in accordance with the condition of their respective areas.

(2) The other designated places as described in paragraph (1) shall not be close to places of worship, schools, hospitals, or other locations set by Regents/Mayors of the Governor of DKI Jakarta.

(3) In selling alcoholic drinks of class B and/or class C in packages, the retailers as described in paragraph (1) shall separate them from other goods and employ special cashiers.

(4) The sales of alcoholic drinks in packages by retail as described in paragraph (1) shall with the identity cards of buyers evidence that show they have been 21 (twenty one) years old in accordance with the law.

Article 18

In addition to other designated places as described in Article 14 paragraph (2) and Article 15 paragraph (2), Regents/Mayors and the Governor of DKI Jakarta can declare other places for direct sellers to sell alcoholic drinks for spot drinking and retailers to sell alcoholic drinks of class B in packages containing spice, herbal medicines and the like with a maximum ethanol content of 15% (fifteen percent).


Part One
Alcoholic Drink Trade Permit

Article 19

(1) Any company circulating and/or selling alcoholic drinks of class B and/or class C shall hold SIUP-MB.

(2) Any company circulating and/or selling alcoholic drink of class A shall hold SIUP.

Article 20

Based on their appropriation, SIUP-MB consist of:

Article 21

(1) SlUP-MB has validity period according to the validity period of written agreement on condition it does not exceed 3 (three) years since the date of issuance and can be extended.

(2) SlUP-MB shall be extended no later than 1 (one) month before the expiry date.

Article 22

(1) The authority to issue SlUP-MB as described in Article 20 rests with the Minister and is delegated to:

(2) The authority to issue SIUP-MB for Direct Seller at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels including restaurants with Talam Kencana and Talam Selaka signs, bars, pubs and night clubs is delegated to:

(3) The authority as described in paragraph (2) will not be valid if:

Part Two
The Procedure of Applying for Alcoholic Drink Trade Permit

Article 23

(1) Applications for SlUP-MB for Distributor and Sub-distributor can only be filed by companies owned by Indonesian citizens.

(2) Applications for SlUP-MB for Distributor or Sub-distributor of alcoholic drinks of class Band/or class C shall be filed to Dirjen PDN, by filling SP SlUP-MB as described Attachment III to this Ministerial Regulation.

(3) Applications for change in SIUP-MB Distributor for IT-MB of alcoholic drink of class B and/or class C shall be filed to Dirjen PDN, by filling applications for change in SIUP-MB (SP SIUP-MB) as described in Attachment III to this Ministerial Regulation.

(4) Applications for SIUP-MB for Sub-distributor as described in paragraph (1) can be filed by companies in the form of corporate body, individual or association, complete with:

(5) Applications for SIUP-MB for Distributor as described in paragraph (1) can only be filed by companies which come in the form of limited liability company and have legal entities, complete with:

(6) Application for change in SIUP-MB Distributor for IT-MB as described in paragraph (3), complete with:

(7) Applications for SIUP-MB for TBB shall be filed to the Governor in this case the Head of the Provincial Office by filling SPSIUP-MB as described in Attachment III to this Ministerial Regulation, complete with:

(8) Applications for SIUP-MB for direct seller, retailer other than TBS and direct seller and/or retailer of alcoholic drink of class B containing spice, herbal medicines and the like, shall be filed to the Regent/Mayor in this case the Head of the Regency/Municipal Office and the Governor of DKI Jakarta in this case the Head of the Provincial Office by filling SP SIUP-MB as described in Attachment III to this Ministerial Regulation.

(9) Applications for SIUP-MB for direct seller as described in paragraph (8) can only be filed by company in the form of legal entity, individual or firm by attaching the requirements as follows:

(10) photocopies of each of the requirements as described in paragraph (4), paragraph (5), paragraph (6) b and c, paragraph (7) and paragraph (9) by showing original documents.

Article 24

Companies which circulate and/or sell alcoholic drinks and undergo a change in data/information contained in SIUP-MB shall replace SIUP-MB;

Article 25

(1) Dirjen PDN shall issue SIUP-MB no later than 5 (five) working days after SP SIUP-MB as described in Article 23 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) have been received in a complete and correct way using a form as described in Attachment IV to this Ministerial Regulation.

(2) Governors in this case the Heads of Provincial Office shall issue SIUP-MB no later than 5 (five}working days after SP SIUP-MB as described in Article 23 paragraph (7) have been received in a complete and correct way using a form as described in Attachment IV to this Ministerial Regulation.

(3) Regents/Mayors in this case the Heads of Regency/Municipal Offices and the Governor of DKI Jakarta in this case the Head of the Provincial Office shall issue SIUP-MB no later than 5 (five) working days after SP SIUP-MB as described in Article 23 paragraph (8) have been received in a complete and correct way using a form as described in Attachment IV to this Ministerial Regulation.

(4) In case the applications as described in Article 23 paragraph (2), paragraph (3), paragraph (7), paragraph (8) have not been complete and correct, Dirjen PDN, Governors in this case the Heads of Provincial Offices, Governor of DKI Jakarta or Regents/Mayors in this case the Heads of Regency/Municipal Offices shall issue written notification not later than 5 (five) working, days after the receipt date of SP SIUP-MB to the companies concerned along with reasons.

(5) The companies as described in paragraph (4) can complete the requested requirements no later than 30 (thirty) working days after the notification has been received.

(6) If the companies do not complete the requested requirements as described in paragraph (5), SP SIUP-MB shall be declared rejected and the companies can file new SP SIUP-MB.


Article 26

(1) IT-MB, distributors, sub-distributors, direct sellers, retailers and direct sellers and/or retailers of alcoholic drinks of class B containing spice, herbal medicines, and the like with a maximum ethanol content of 15% shall store the alcoholic drinks at an alcoholic drink warehouse.

(2) IT-MB, distributors, sub-distributors, direct sellers, retailers, and direct sellers and/or retailers of alcoholic drinks of class B containing spice, herbal medicines and the like as described in paragraph (1) shall record any entry and release of alcoholic drinks of class A, class B and class C from the warehouse in data cards.

(3) The data cards as described in paragraph (2) shall at least contain quantity, brand, date of entry into warehouse, date of release from warehouse, and origin of goods.

(4) The data cards as described in paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) shall be shown to supervisors conducting an audit.


Article 27

(1) Alcoholic drinks with an ethanol (C2H50H) content of more than 55 % are banned from being imported, circulated, or sold at home.

(2) Raw materials of alcoholic drinks in the form of concentrates are banned from being imported.

Article 28

Producers, IT-MB, distributors and sub-distributors are banned from selling alcoholic drinks by retail to end-users.

Article 29

Direct sellers and/or retailers of alcoholic drinks of class B containing spice, herbal medicines and the like as described in Article 18 are banned from selling alcoholic drinks with an ethanol content of more than 15% (fifteen percent) and alcoholic drinks of class C.

Article 30

Anybody is banned from carrying alcoholic drinks of class A, class B and class C from abroad as hand luggage, except for own consumption with a maximum quantity of 1000 ml (a thousand milliliters) per person and a content of 180 ml (a hundred and eighty milliliters) per package.

Article 31

Anybody is banned from selling alcoholic drinks of class A, class B and class C in packages by retail and/or directly selling alcoholic drinks of class A, class B and class C for drinking on the spot in the following locations:

Article 32

Direct sellers and retailers are banned from selling alcoholic drinks of class A, class B and class C to buyers aged under 21 (twenty one) years evidenced with identity, cards in accordance with the law.

Article 33

IT-MB, distributors, sub distributors, direct sellers, and retailers are banned from advertising alcoholic drinks of class A, class B and class C.


Part One

Article 34

Supervision within the framework of controlling the circulation of alcoholic drinks shall be conducted on:

Article 35

The supervision and control as described in Article 34 shall be done as follows:

(1) The Minister shall conduct supervision within the framework of controlling the circulation of alcoholic drinks as described in Article 34 in coordination with relevant ministers.

(2) The supervision as described in Article 34 shall be done by Dirjen Daglu and Dirjen PDN according to their main tasks and functions by coordinating with Regional Governments.

(3) Governors shall coordinate efforts to supervise the circulation and sales of alcoholic drinks according to their working areas.

(4) In supervising the circulation and sales of alcoholic drinks, Regents/Mayors shall form an integrated team consisting of:

(5) The integrated team as described in paragraph (4) is led by the Head of the Office whose task and responsibility covers the trade sector.

(6). In conducting supervision as described in paragraph (4) the integrated team involves police personnel as a supporting element.

(7) The activities of the integrated team as described in paragraph (4) are financed by the regional government budget.

Part Two

Article 36

(1) Producers or IT-MB shall report any appointment of distributor, sub distributor, direct seller and/or retailer as described in Article 11 paragraph (1) to Dirjen PDN in this case the Director of Market and Distribution Development, complete with a photocopy of written agreement.

(2) Distributors shall report any appointment of Sub distributor, direct seller and/or retailer as described in Article 11 paragraph (6) to Dirjen PDN in this case the Director of Market and Distribution Development, complete with a photocopy of written agreement.

(3) Sub distributors shall report any appointment of direct seller and/or retailer as described in Article 12 paragraph (4) to Dirjen PDN in this case the Director of Market and Distribution Development, complete with a photocopy of written agreement.

(4) IT-MB shall report any appointment of TBB as a retailer as described in Article 11 paragraph (2) to Dirjen PDN in this case the Director of Market and Distribution Development, complete with a photocopy of written agreement.

Article 37

(1) IT-MB of class A, class B, and class C shall report the realization of their imports once every 3 (three) months to Dirjen Daglu in this case the Import Director, with copies addressed to:

(2) The report as described in paragraph (1) shall be sent no later than 15 (fifteen) calendar days after the arrival date of goods at the port of unloading using a form as described in Attachment V to this Ministerial Regulation.

Article 38

(1) IT-MB shall report the circulation of alcoholic drinks of class A, class B and class C to Dirjen Daglu in this case the Import Director.

(2) Distributors and sub distributors of alcoholic drinks shall report the circulation of alcoholic drinks of class Band class C to Dirjen PDN in this case the Director of Market and Distribution Development.

(3) Copies of the report as described in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be addressed to:

(4) PTBB selling alcoholic drinks shall report the circulation and sales of alcoholic drinks of class A, class B and class C to the Governor in this case the Head of the Provincial Office, with copies addressed to:

(5) Direct sellers and retailers shall report the sales f alcoholic drinks to the Regent/Mayor in this case the Head of the Regency/Municipal Office, with a copy addressed to the Governor in this case the Head of the Provincial Office or the Governor of DKI Jakarta in this case the Head of the Provincial Office.

(6) Direct sellers and/or retailers of alcoholic drinks of class B containing spice, herbal medicines and the like shall report the sales of alcoholic drinks of class B to the Regent/Mayor in this case the Head of the Regency/Municipal Office with a copy addressed to the Governor in this case the Head of the Provincial Office or the Governor of DKI Jakarta in this case the Head of the Provincial Office.

(7) The reports as described in paragraph (1), paragraph (2), paragraph (4), paragraph (5) and paragraph (6) shall be submitted every quarter in the current calendar year as follows:

(8) The models of the reports as described in paragraph (1), paragraph (2), paragraph (4), paragraph (5) and paragraph (6) shall follow those contained in Attachment VI to this Ministerial Regulation.

Article 39

IT-MB, distributors, sub distributors, direct sellers, and retailers shall provide information on their business activities if such information is needed any time by the Minister, appointed official or official issuing SIUP-MB.


Article 40

(1) Companies violating provisions in Article 26 paragraph (1), paragraph (2), Article 24, Article 36, Article 37, Article 38 and Article 39 shall be liable to administrative sanctions by having their SIUP-MB temporarily suspended after receiving 3 (three) consecutive written warnings at an interval of 1 (one) month.

(2) The temporary suspension as described in paragraph (1) shall be done by the official issuing SIUP-MB/appointed official.

(3) While SIUP-MB is temporarily suspended, the relevant companies are banned from circulating and/or selling alcoholic drinks.

(4) The temporarily suspended SIUP-MIB can be reactivated if the relevant companies have heeded the written warnings by making improvements and fulfilling their obligations according to this regulation.

Article 41

(1) Companies violating provisions in Article 14 paragraph (1), Article 15, Article 16 paragraph (2), Article 28, Article 29, Article 31, Article 32 and Article 33 shall be liable to an administrative sanction by having their SIUP-MB temporarily suspended by the official issuing SIUP-MB/appointed official.

(2) If the companies do not heed provisions in paragraph (1) within 30 (thirty) days they shall be liable to an administrative sanction by having their SIUP-MB revoked.

(3) The revocation of SIUP-MB as described in paragraph (2) shall be done by the official issuing SIUP-MB/appointed official.

(4) The companies that have had their SIUP-MB revoked, can file an objection to the official issuing SIUP-MB/appointed official no later than 30 (thirty) working days after the date of revocation.

(5) The official issuing SlUP-MB/appointed official as described in paragraph (3) no later than 15 (fifteen) working days after receiving the objection can accept or reject the objection by giving reasons.

(6) If the objection is accepted, the already-revoked SIUP-MB can be issued again.

(7) MB companies that have had their SlUP-MB revoked are not allowed to engage in alcoholic drink trade for 1 (one) year after the date of revocation.

Article 42

Any individual or corporate body violating provisions in Article 6 paragraph (1), Article 19, Article 27, Article 30 and Article 31 shall be liable to a criminal sanction according to the law.

Article 43

IT-MB violating provisions in Article 8 paragraph (7), Article 9 paragraph (1), Article 28 and Article 33 of this Ministerial Regulation shall be liable to a sanction by having their IT-MB status revoked and/or a criminal sanction according to the law.

Article 44

(1) Producers violating provisions in Article 28 and Article 36 paragraph (1) shall be liable to an administrative sanction by having their technical licenses temporarily suspended or revoked by the authorized official.

(2) If the producers are liable to an administrative sanction as described in paragraph (1), the Minister or appointed official shall issue a recommendation on the revocation of technical licenses to the relevant agency/authorized official.


Article 45

When this Ministerial Regulation begins to take effect:

(1) IT-MB status granted before this Ministerial Regulation is put into force shall remain valid for 3 (three) years after the date of stipulation and can be extended according to this Ministerial Regulation.

(2) The letter of assignment to import and distribute alcoholic drinks that have been issued by the Minister of Trade to PT. (Persero) Sarinah under Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade No. 230/MPP/Kep/7/1997 concerning Goods Subject to Import Regulation that is several times amended the latest by Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade No. 406/MPP/Kep/6/2004 shall remain valid until its validity period expires.

Article 46

Companies filing applications for SIUP-MB of class B and/or class C which are still under the process of settlement before the stipulation of this Ministerial Regulation shall file another applications for SIUP-MB to the authorized official according to this Ministerial Regulation.


Article 47

(1) To further regulate the procurement, circulation, sales, supervision and control of alcoholic drinks the Government and Regional Governments shall adhere to this Ministerial Regulation.

(2) The further regulation as described in paragraph (1) is not allowed to regulate any form of levies including those in the process of applying for, issuing and extending SIUP-MB and IT-MB is exempt from administrative fees, except those laid down in Presidential Decree No. 3/1997 concerning the Supervision and Control of Alcoholic Drinks.

Article 48

Technical guidance for the procurement, circulation, sales, supervision and control of alcoholic drinks as described in this Ministerial Regulation is to be stipulated by Dirjen Daglu or Dirjen PDN.


Article 49

With the stipulation of this Ministerial Regulation:

(1) Provisions in Article 2 and Attachment I with HS numbers HS 2203 00 000; 2204 10 000; 2204 21 100; 2204 21 200; 2204 21 900; 2204 29 100; 2204 29 200; 220429900; 220430000; 2205 10000; 2205 90000; 2206 00 100; 220600200; 2206 00 300; 2206 00400; 2206 00 500; 220600900; 2208 20000; 2208 30000; 220840000; 220850000; 2208 60000; 2208 70000; 2208 90 000 in Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade No. 230/MPP/Kep/7/1997 concerning Goods Subject to Import Regulation as has been several times amended the latest by Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade No. 406/MPP/Kep/6/2004; and

(2) Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 15/M-DAG/PER/3/2006 concerning the Supervision and Control of Import, Circulation and Sales, and Licensing of Alcoholic Drinks;

shall be declared null and void.

Article 50

This Ministerial Regulation shall come into force as from January 1, 2010.

For public cognizance, this Ministerial Regulation shall be promulgated by placing it In the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
on September 15, 2009